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This brief report is part of a series on the development of the human rights, political and security situation in Ethiopia. So far, the following reports have been published: Ethiopia: Political op...
This brief report aims at providing updated information about the situation of LGBT persons in Egypt. The report contains information about the laws that affect the situation of LGBT persons. It al...
Dette notat har til formål at tilvejebringe opdaterede baggrundsoplysninger vedrørende russisk militærtjeneste i lyset af Ruslands invasion af Ukraine, der begyndte den 24. februar 2022.
This report focuses on recruitment to military forces in Syria's Hasakah Governorate.
This present report is a product of a Danish Immigration Service (DIS) mission to Islamabad, Pakistan from 28 March to 5 April 2022. The purpose of the mission was to collect updated information on...
This brief report focuses on the security situation, freedom of movement and socioeconomic situation in Homs Governorate.
This brief report aims at providing updated information about the Syrian authorities’ treatment of persons who return to Syria.
The present report describes health care services in the governorates of Damascus, Rural Damascus, Tartous and Latakia.
Dette notat har til formål at beskrive de nuværende sikkerheds- og menneskerettighedsforhold i Etiopien med fokus på tiden fra marts 2021 til januar 2022, herunder baggrunden for den igangværende k...
This brief report describes governance and law enforcement in Afghanistan and outlines the presence and activities of non-state actors after August 2021. Furthermore, the report covers the developm...
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