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This brief report focuses on stateless Kurds, i.e. ajanib al-Hasakah and maktoumeen, in Syria. The report gives an overview of information regarding ajanib and maktoumeen, in addition to an update...
This brief report examines the aspects of entry, residence and readmission for Palestinians in Algeria. It focuses specifically on the legal framework related to Algerian legislation regarding immi...
The present report offers a description of availability and accessibility of specific medicines and specialised treatments in Mogadishu.
The report looks into military service in the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) with a focus on: the current pattern of recruitment to the SAA, specifically the recruitment of reservists, public employees and...
The report focuses on the situation of Zakarpattian Roma in Zakarpatska Oblast and in Hungary, including their socio-economic and cultural conditions, access to Hungarian citizenship, access to doc...
Dette notat beskriver kort den aktuelle sikkerhedssituation i Gaza som følge af den igangværende militære konfrontation mellem Israel og Hamas, efter Hamas den 7. oktober 2023 iværksatte et koordin...
This report focuses on the conditions for Syrian refugees living in Türkiye, including Turkish legislation as well as the implementation thereof. Since October 2014, Syrians fleeing to Türkiye have...
The focus of the report is on the treatment of individuals and communities belonging to the Ahl-e Hadith faith in Afghanistan under the rule of the Taliban authorities.
Dette notat har til formål at tilvejebringe opdaterede baggrundsoplysninger til brug i sagsbehandling vedrørende ungarske efterkommere, der er bosiddende i den vestlige ukrainske region Zakarpatska...
This brief report focuses on the political landscape in Myanmar, the current security situation, the status of ethnic minority groups and the circumstances faced by those returning to the country....
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