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COI-notat om situationen for ahwazi-arabere i Iran.
COI-notat om den generelle sikkerhedssituation i Afghanistan og i Kabul.
RUSSIA, Citizenship, Living Conditions, Protection from Refoulement and Consequences of Leaving for citizens from the Former Soviet Republics in Russia & Hate Crimes and racially motivated attacks...
SYRIA, Recruitment Practices in Government-controlled Areas and in Areas under Opposition Control, Involvement of Public Servants and Civilians in the Armed Conflict and Issues Related to Exiting S...
Morocco: Risk of Double Jeopardy in Morocco, Report based on interviews in Morocco 9 to 18 October 2016.
Morocco: Situation of Unaccompanied Minors, Report based on interviews in Morocco, 9 to 18 October 2016.
Morocco: Situation of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) persons, Report based on interviews in Morocco, 9 to 18 October 2016.
South and Central Somalia – Security Situation, al-Shabaab Presence, and Target Groups, Report based on interviews in Nairobi, Kenya, 3 to 10 December 2016.
Armenia, State Actors, Political Situation, Vulnerable Groups and Citizenship, Report from a Fact Finding Mission to Yerevan, Armenia, 3 April to 15 April 2016
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