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COI-notat om den generelle sikkerhedssituation i Somalia 2017-2018.
COI-notat om sikkerhed og socio-økonomiske forhold i Kabul, Herat og Mazar-e Sharif.
COI-notat om sikkerhedssituationen i Syrien med særlig fokus på Damaskusprovinsen.
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COI-notat om situationen i Georgien.
COI-notat om den nyere historie og politisk udvikling i Eritrea.
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Iran: Relations outside of marriage in Iran and marriages without the accept of the family, Joint report from the Danish Immigration Service and Danish Refugee Council based on interviews in Tehran...
Iran: Issues concerning persons of ethnic minorities, including Kurds and Ahwazi Arabs, Joint report from the Danish Immigration Service and Danish Refugee Council based on interviews in Tehran, Ir...
Iran: House Churches and Converts, Joint report from the Danish Immigration Service and Danish Refugee Council based on interviews in Tehran, Iran, Ankara, Turkey and London, United Kingdom, 9 Sept...
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