• Nyhedsbrev til kommunerne og KL, august 2024

    Publiceret 28-08-2024
    Om styrelsen Nyhedsbrev

    I nyhedsbrevet orienterer Udlændingestyrelsen om nye initiativer, lovændringer og praksisændringer af særlig interesse for medarbejdere i kommunerne.

  • Myanmar: Security situation, return and military service

    Publiceret 19-08-2024
    Landeoplysninger Landenotat

    This report focuses on the development in the security situation in Myanmar since the Danish Immigration Service published the last report on Myanmar in late summer 2023. In addition, the report looks ...

  • Syria – Military Recruitment in North and East Syria

    Publiceret 02-07-2024
    Landeoplysninger Landerapport

    This report focuses on recruitment to military forces in North and East Syria (NES). This includes the Mandatory Self-Defence Duty, recruitment to the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), recruitment to th ...

  • Nyhedsbrev til kommunerne og KL, juli 2024

    Publiceret 01-07-2024
    Om styrelsen Nyhedsbrev

    I nyhedsbrevet orienterer Udlændingestyrelsen om nye initiativer, lovændringer og praksisændringer af særlig interesse for medarbejdere i kommunerne.

  • Tal og fakta på udlændingeområdet 2023

    Publiceret 27-06-2024
    Tal og statistik Tal og fakta

    I denne publikation præsenteres en række tal og fakta for 2023 for alle myndigheder på udlændingeområdet. Hovedvægten er lagt på overordnede tal.

  • Iranian Kurds in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq

    Publiceret 25-06-2024
    Landeoplysninger Landerapport

    The report focuses on Iranian Kurds in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI), specifically access to KRI, residence permit, citizenship, socio-economic and political rights connected to a residence permi ...

  • Ukraine - Mobilisation

    Publiceret 24-04-2024
    Landeoplysninger Landerapport

    In June 2023, the Danish Immigration Service published a report on exit rules, legislation regarding mobilisation, documentation and punishment of draft evaders and deserters from military service dur ...

  • Russia - Recruitment of Chechens to the war in Ukraine

    Publiceret 24-04-2024
    Landeoplysninger Landerapport

    This present report is a product of a joint mission to Tbilisi, Georgia and the United Kingdom undertaken by Danish Immigration Service (DIS) and the Swedish Migration Agency (SMA) from 17 February to ...

  • Syria: Ajanib and Maktoumeen Citizenship and Military Service

    Publiceret 15-04-2024
    Landeoplysninger Landenotat

    This brief report focuses on stateless Kurds, i.e. ajanib al-Hasakah and maktoumeen, in Syria. The report gives an overview of information regarding ajanib and maktoumeen, in addition to an update on ...

  • Årsrapport 2023

    Publiceret 09-04-2024
    Om styrelsen Årsrapport

    Udlændingestyrelsens årsrapport for 2023 indeholder styrelsens beretning og regnskab for 2023.