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COI-notat om fredsaftale, væbnede parter, udsatte grupper og retsvæsen i Colombia.
COI-notat om palæstinenseres mulighed for opholdstilladelse og statsborgerskab i Israel og UNRWA´s mandatområder.
COI-notat om FGM / Kvindelig omskæring. Baggrund, tal og tendenser.
COI-notat om palæstinenseres mulighed for indrejse i Gaza og på Vestbredden.
Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI): Women and men in honour-related conflicts. Report based on interviews in Erbil and Sulaimania, KRI, November 2018
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Northern Iraq: Security situation and the situation for internally displaced persons (IDP) in the disputed areas, incl. possibility to enter and access KRI. Report based on interviews in Erbil and...
Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI): Report on issuance of the new Iraqi ID card. Report based on interviews in Erbil and Sulaimania, November 2018
Ethiopia: Political situation and treatment of opposition, report from the Danish Immigration Service based on interviews in Ethiopia, September 2018
COI-notat om borgerkrigen i Yemen siden 2014.
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